Use of Logo

1 Form and display of the marks

1.1 The marks shall be displayed only in the appropriate form, size and colour detailed in this document in conjunction with JSM document JSM AP1 2023 (available on

1.2 The JSM Accreditation's mark shall always be printed with the Certification Body's accreditation number (three digits), the number shall be printed centrally under the accreditation mark.

1.3 When the mark is printed on an unfolded portion of stationery sized no greater than A4, it shall be displayed in a size no larger than 30 mm high. On larger portions of unfolded stationery the size may be proportionately increased.

1.4 (a) Accreditation marks shall normally have a minimum height (excluding the accreditation number) of 20 mm. Any enlargement or reduction shall retain the same proportions as those of the masters printed in this publication. The mark and the accreditation number shall be considered as a single entity for purposes of enlargement or reduction.

(b) In exceptional circumstances, which are usually dictated by reason of space limitation or cost, the marks may be reproduced at a reduced height, but paragraph 1.4(c) must be satisfied.

(c) Irrespective of the height of reproduction, the mark must, in the opinion of JSM, be legible, with no infilling.

1.5 An accreditation mark may be displayed on stationery:

(a) only if the logo or title of the accredited organisation concerned is also shown;

(b) with no more prominence than the logo or title of the accredited organisation;

(c) no more than once for each JSM accreditation.

1.6 The accreditation mark shall normally be printed in a single colour, which should be the predominant ink colour of the document, or, in the case of a pre-printed letterhead, the predominant ink colour of the letterhead. The marks may be reproduced in the colour scheme as detailed, but may not be reproduced in any other colour scheme without the prior written consent of JSM. Any request for consent must be accompanied by an example or a colour proof.

1.7 (a) Embossed, relief, or die-stamped versions may be used.

(b) The marks may be reproduced as water marks.

1.8 Electronic reproduction of the marks is permitted provided that the requirements of this publication are met and:

(a) the mark is reproduced so that infilling does not occur.

(b) degradation and/or distortion of the mark graphic is avoided.

(c) computer files of the marks shall be prepared from mark masters provided by CB or JSM. Redrawn approximations shall not be used.

1.9 Reversed-image versions of the accreditation marks are available, and artwork masters can be provided by CB or JSM. All other conditions for use of accreditation marks apply to these versions.

2 Use of the accreditation marks in publicity material

2.1 National accreditation marks shall not be used in any way that might mislead the reader about the status of an accredited organisation.

2.2 Holders of certificates issued by JSM accredited certification bodies may use the appropriate mark in the manner described overleaf, on stationery and publicity material or other items relevant to their certificate. The accreditation mark(s) shall always be used in conjunction with the mark of the certification body or certification scheme. Holders of accredited certificates may use the mark of the certification body or certification scheme without the accreditation mark.

2.3 The terms 'publicity material' shall not include notices, labels, documents or written announcements affixed to or otherwise appearing on goods or products unless the goods or products have been manufactured under an accredited product conformity scheme. This restriction shall also apply to primary (e.g. blister packs) packaging and promotional products.

3 Other restrictions on use of the marks

3.1 (a) The accreditation marks shall not be displayed on vehicles, except in publicity material containing an accreditation mark as part of a larger advertisement, provided the mark is used in the publicity material in accordance with the conditions detailed in this publication.

(b) The accreditation marks shall not be displayed on buildings and flags.

(c) Marks may be displayed on internal walls and doors, and on exhibition stands.

3.2 Accreditation marks shall not be used in such a way as to suggest that the Secretary of State or JSM has certified, or approved, any product or any service supplied by a licensee of a mark, or in any other misleading manner.

3.3 Accreditation marks shall not be used in such a way as to imply that JSM accepts responsibility for activities carried out under the scope of accreditation and/or certification.

Please do get in contact with our team for further information.